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What is RTT
Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Therapy™(RTT) is solution-focused blended modality of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychotherapy. Through RTT we better understand
what the brain needs and resists; it is wired to want what is familiar and safe, not what is unfamiliar and as a result holds you back.
How Does it Work
RTT is really about understanding how the mind works. Through RTT, we connect and explore parts of the mind which hold information about our beliefs. This leads to an understanding of the meaning and interpretation of our experiences. Through various techniques, we then reprogram the subconscious mind to respond with beneficial habits, thoughts and behaviours.
What Can I Expect
Through hypnosis we will uncover the meaning and interpretation that you have attached to your life experiences which have resulted in negative and limiting beliefs. We will then change the significance attached to these life events and replace the old out-dated negative patterns of behaviour by rewiring neurological pathways to new life-affirming beliefs.

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